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Soil Amendments and Drying Agents

  • Pro's Choice Soil Master Red
    $26.95 Pro's Choice Soil Master Red
    Pro's Choice Soil Master Red Pro's Choice Soil Master Red - This calcined montmorillinite clay has been designed for the sports turf industry. Soil Master is screened to have a smaller, uniform particle size, keeping the...

  • Pro's Choice Rapid Dry
    $26.95 Pro's Choice Rapid Dry
    Pro's Choice Rapid Dry Rapid Dry - A field drying agent consisting of fine, granular, calcined montmorillinite clay particles. Rapid Dry speeds the wicking and absorption of water while eliminating slick spots. It stays in...

  • Pro's Choice Easy Mound Packing Clay
    $26.95 Pro's Choice Easy Mound Packing Clay
    Pro's Choice Easy Mound Packing Clay Pro's Choice Pro Mound - A unique blue gumbo clay that bonds to form a solid subsurface base at the mound and batters box area. Allows players to dig in for footing without creating...